Pregnant? Panic Not! Get Help in Taking Control!

In these days, it has already become a norm where teenagers get pregnant. Most of the time, these pregnancies are unplanned and unintended. When this happens, most teenagers feel as if they have lost all control. However this is not the case as they still have the right to make a decision to raise the baby, opt for abortion or adoption, speak to anyone about the issue or in other words get some help. 

True enough it is never easy to make a decision as there are many factors to consider during the decision-making process. Therefore it is important to believe in yourself and thus get help in making your decision for your pregnancy options.

First things first, if you think that you are pregnant, confirm this by taking a blood or urine pregnancy test. As the symptoms of pregnancy alone are not sufficient enough to confirm whether you are pregnant or not, it is important not to just rely on them. One of the most obvious symptoms of pregnancy is missing a period but as some women experience bleeding due to the embryo implanting itself in the uterus, this may be confused with a period. Tiredness, nausea, frequent urination or breast tenderness are other symptoms of pregnancy.

The second step is to confide in someone. It would be best if you could communicate with your parents as they are usually supportive and their involvement can be very helpful. However if you feel afraid or uncomfortable talking to your parents, you may speak to an adult family member, counsellor or teacher who can not only provide guidance but also lend you their support. At the same time, choose who can be trusted or not carefully as your friends may not be matured enough to keep this kind of issues confidential.

The third step is to of course see a doctor. Make an appointment with your primary care doctor who will then refer you to an obstetrician as needed. Teenagers may prefer talking to their primary care doctor especially if they have established a long-term doctor-patient relationship over the years. Here are some things a doctor can help you with:

- Confirm whether you are pregnant or not and examine you to ensure that you are healthy. By doing this, not only can you consider the various options regarding your pregnancy but also seek early medical care.

- Elaborate or explain more about the options that you might want to consider. In order to make a good decision, it is important to get all the necessary information required.

- Give you more tips on how to go about maintain your health especially if you are confirmed as pregnant. E.g. Exercising and a healthy diet, refraining from taking alcohol, smoking and certain medications.

Thus after you complete all these three steps, then you can consider your options of whether you want to go for abortion, adoption or even parenting-with or without partner. But then always remember to ask yourself important questions before you make the decision. 

For example whether you can live with or without the choice, how the choice would affect your life or the people close to you and many more. By answering these questions, only then will you feel better in making a decision. 

Therefore, if you are pregnant, don't lose hope but instead learn to take control as you can't change the past but you will be able to take control of your own future.
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